Friday, March 26, 2010

Photo Post: Caleb 9 1/2 - 10 Months

The first two shots here are from a couple weeks ago. He was bein' cute before bed time so I snagged a few photos. 

So smiley and cute!

The rest are from this afternoon. He was just bein' adorable so I grabbed the camera. 

Check out that toofen!! He's so dang cute and such a stinker!

Bein' adorable. 

Everytime he sees the camera he makes a beeline for it so all these shots are super close up because I'm trying to fend him off and take pictures at the same time. 

Distracted by the kitty. 

Okay I'm focused again. Lemme have the camera!

Ah-ha! I almost got it!

I love that little toofen!!

Maybe if I try it from a slightly different angle she'll let me have the camera.

Is he not the cutest little booger you ever saw?? I love those chubby cheeks!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Caleb 10 Months

Well our darling boy is now 10 months old so I figured you could use another update:

Caleb is working his way up the simian family tree. He has now achieved Monkey by fullfilling "monkey see monkey do" by imitating Mommy doing the "indian noise" (can't think of a PC name for it - ya know where you make your mouth a round and then pat your hand in front of it to break up the sound). Its really dang cute. And slightly embarrassing when he decides to give us a performance in the middle of church...

Caleb has also achieved Chimpanzee by discovering tool usage - he will stack things so that he can stand on top of them to try to get to stuff he's not supposed to have.

And just the last week or so Caleb has achieved Gorilla! aka Sign Language! So far he's got one sign down and the other is mostly there. He recently started nibbling little bits of table foods and has discovered that he is a BIG fan of anything that Mommy is eating (which means I no longer get to eat in peace). Add that to the fact we've started him on stage 3 baby foods that have soft little chunks for him to learn to chew, so meal times lately have had a lot of "Chew! Chew Caleb!" and Mom and Dad modeling chewing motions, which Caleb finds absolutely hilarious.

We've also been modeling signs for bottle, food, more, kitty, hi and bye. Well, Caleb hasn't caught on to our sign for food but he's modified the Chew sign for his own purposes. Now whenever he wants food, he'll look at us pointedly and start smacking his lips imitating the chew chew demonstrations. If we ignore him, he cries, if we say "You want some food?" he perks right up and smiles and repeats the chewing/smacking face. Its really dang cute. He's done it both in the presence of food and when it got to be lunch time and he crawled over to me, stood up, looked at me pointedly and started smacking away.

Of course the down side is now anytime I have food, he comes over and starts looking at me, looking at the food and smacking away. If I ignore him he starts punctuating it with grunts. "UGH! Ugh!" Smack, smack, smack. Look at food, look at mom, pat moms arm, when she looks, smack, smack, smack. "Ugh! Ugh!" Yeah I get the picture and start searching for a part of my meal thats safe to give him. Its sad, I've started selecting foods I know have something I can pinch off and feed him just so I don't have to listen to him whine.

Sign two that he's mostly got down is waving Hi and Bye. I can get him to do it just him and me or with the mirror, but so far its a no go with other people present.

I'm teaching Caleb baby signs in the hope that we can avoid some of the tantrums and frustrations of the terrible twos. Theres a significant body of research that supports the idea that a lot of the frustration is caused b/c the kids have gotten to the point where they know what they want, but they've not yet developed speech to the point they can actually say what it is. So they're left to point, and scream louder. Babys have proven more than capable of using simplified sign language to express what it is that they want and theres a BIG body of research that shows that encouraging this significantly reduces tantrums and improves parent/child relationships.

And while there were initially some concerns that signing would retard speech development, its been shown to actually speed language acquisition. If you think about it realizing that a chihuahua and a Great Dane are both dogs is a BIG concept. Most kids have to wait until they're capable of saying "Doggie" to really start putting all this together through their interactions with adults. Well, teaching them the sign for doggie helps them start building their mental schemas sooner so as soon as they can produce the word they've already got a dozen things they know are dogs.

Baby signs also shows lasting increases in IQ and blah blah blah its a really cool thing and nerd that I am we're gonna try for it.

Caleb is also chattering more. Its still mostly the same noises - Mama, Dada, Baba. But he's using alot more variety in pitch and tone and making noises/tones that are more appropriate to the settings. Its really cool and amazingly cute.

He's also discovered that there's a whole rest of the house outside the living room and he wants to go discover it. We've been letting him do this to some extent but I'll admit to wincing when he discovered the cat food (and apparently thought it was tasty) and installing baby gates when I get tired of chasing after him.

So far he's not showing big signs of stranger anxiety, but he does seem to watch new people for a while now. Instead of immediately smiling and being charming he has to watch them for a while and decide what he thinks and then he'll warm up and be adorable. I consider this "so far so good" because a lot of kids at this stage get stranger anxiety bad and grab mom and SCREAM if anybody new comes near. Caleb just sort of gives them this blank look that can either be described as "You, I don't know what I think of you yet." or "I need a nap." I've been hopeful that with my dragging him around places fairly regularly and him getting passed around church and loved on every Sunday that we would avoid the worst of this and *knock on wood* so far so good.

He also recognizes people he sees fairly regularly faster - ie he only stares at them funny for a couple seconds before making a happy noise and a beeline for his friend. Its extremely endearing. lol.

The one toofen has made its appearance (bottom center left) and the one next to it is stubbornly refusing to break through. Its right there, you can even see lighter/white spots through the gum, you can feel it etc but its just NOT coming through. I think it must hurt him sometimes b/c once in a while he gets CRANKY and I try everything and nothing fixes it so I dose him with Tylenol and suddenly he's back to being charming.

Caleb is completely in love with the kitty cats. He gets SOOOO excited anytime he sees them or gets anywhere near them. The problem is that this leads him to SHRIEK and laugh loudly with excitement, which FREAKS the cats out so they run away. And he crawls after them laughing. lol. More than one panicked cat has been rudely awoken from a nap by a VERY excited Mr. Caleb.

I'll post more pictures soon. Just been busy.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Get your Groupon Baby!

So I just have to take a moment to shamelessly pimp my new happy:


Check it out! I heard about it at Christmas - My Dad got my Mom like a 2 hour massage and facial at a top notch spa in Houston for dirt cheap and I was impressed. So I got home and checked it out. Apparently groupon is in most major cities and I was THRILLED to discover - its here in Phoenix baby!

Basically its collective buying power. Business that wants to advertise offers an awesome deal (usually like 50% off or better) if at least 50 people will buy the deal. Thus far I haven't seen a deal with less than 500 takers. And its awesome stuff! This last weekend we got 40 bucks worth of the best chinese food I've ever had in Arizona for 18 dollars. How sweet is that??

We can finally afford date night AND diapers! Rock on! And so I pimp my happy. Check it out folks:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Caleb 9 Month Check Up and a New Couch!!

I'm sorry for how long its been since your last update. I've got a couple goodies up my sleeve that hopefully I will get to share with you soon BUT what I've got tonight is this:

Caleb had is 9 month check up with the Doc. Caleb is now: 23 lbs 8 oz, 31.5 inches long, with an 18 inch head. All of which puts him in btwn the 90th and 95 percentiles for weight and head and well over 95th for height. Doc says he looks perfect. Little bit orange from a steady diet of carrots and sweet potatoes but he says thats the beta carotene and perfectly normal and not at all harmful.

Doc says that a lot of kids at this age actually start losing percentiles b/c they're eating a lot of solid foods so they're full but they're not getting enough calories (aka formula) so he says that because Caleb is doing so good at maintaining his percentiles what I'm feeding him is perfect so I'm feelin very proud of my self at the moment because I was so paranoid about him not getting the right balance I've been doing all sorts of research trying to find more info and apparently I got it right.

Basically, growth, muscle tone, reflexes, milestones all look perfect. He got the last Hep B vaccination today, also flu shot #2 and the first swine flu shot. We took the Tylenol with to the Drs and gave him a dose right after the shots, so he's crashed out for a nap right now and life is lookin pretty okay.

So all in all not a bad mini-birthday. He marked the 9 month day with his very first tooth coming in and then 2 days later he gets a positive review from the doc. :-)

AND in other news - we got a new couch!!! The other one had served us well and long but was in need of retirement and so we got this lovely little number from Ikea. I didn't want to spend a lot on something Caleb is sure to destroy in the long run and the cover on this one is completely machine washable and can be replaced!

Just ignore my hair in that picture. It had been in a clip all day and yeah... just... ignore. BUT see how pretty the couch is!!!

Caleb is a big fan of the new couch. And Momma is a BIG fan of the ground clearance! No more making Adam hold up the sofa while I reclaim the toys that have hidden underneath!

Caleb is good buddies with the baby in the mirror. He loves it when people will hold him up so they can play!

And a wide angle shot for all y'all.