Thursday, June 14, 2012

Potty Training

Warning: If the title of this post wasn't enough  - I'm discussing potty training. If you're not a parent and don't wanna be scarred w/ this I understand if you skip this post.

So we've been working on potty training for a couple months now and as long as we are at home with Caleb naked from the waist down, he is perfectly potty trained. Its been a month or so since I last tried to put underwear on him but it was just an unabashed failure (FIVE pairs of underwear in ONE day) that I've been scared to try it since. But eventually its gonna have to happen and I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and be prepared for the mess.

BUT my favorite part for right now is when Caleb randomly bolts up from whatever he's doing, grabs his little butt cheeks with both hands and RUNS to the bathroom while shouting, "Go Potty! Go Potty!" over and over all the way in there. And then once he sits down on his little toilet he starts hollering for me to come turn the light on and close the door for him.

Normally I'm not allowed to turn lights on and off ("No! Me do it!") but if he's on the can its my job. Then I'm supposed to close the door and go away until he's finished at which point he'll start calling for me down the hall. "Mooooooooom! Mommmmm! All done!"

Then I come back, he opens the toilet, I dump, he flushes. Then its time for the washing of the hands and while he's not quite tall enough to turn the water on while standing on the step stool, I am most definitely NOT allowed to do it for him. I am to help him reach that last inch to the handle by lifting him up, then squeeze the soap on his hand and wait until he's done rinsing at which point his majesty allows me to assist him to turn the water off again and hand him the towel.

It can be kinda annoying if I'm in the middle of something, BUT the great news is that I'm not changing a diaper and that grab-the-butt-and-run-while-screaming-"Go Potty!!" bit is PRICELESS.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Caleb Moments

So in an effort to blog more frequently - and b/c I want to document some of this in an easier to look back on format than FB I'm going to start posting little mini post of whatever thing Caleb is doing thats making me giggle, stress or snigger about now.

For example:

This kid cracks me up. Whenever he has a full blown melt down (once or twice a week usually) I've found the best way to deal with it is to just put him in his room and close the door and let him just calm down for 5-10 mins and then he's fine. (If you try to talk to him or anything when he's that bent he just gets MORE angry). Well now whenever he gets mad at me - he runs to his room and shuts the door to throw his fit. LOL Some how I'm completely cool with this behavior. Kid sends himself to his room. lol

Also Caleb's phrase of the moment (ever since we got back from our trip) is "Oh no! What happened? Oh! I broke it!" He says this ALL the time and sometimes I just have no clue why.

He's so adorable. He's catching on to manners so now he tells me "Bless you" when I sneeze and "Thank you" and "You're welcome" at the appropriate times. Its really darling.