Saturday, December 19, 2009

Caleb 6 1/2 Months

Here's Mr. Ultimate Cuteness' latest!! Now that he's eating solid food (well, pureed and strained baby food might be taking "solid" a little far), he now has to get bathed MUCH more often and with PURPOSE. Something about dried oatmeal in the hair just does not appeal. Thankfully he's a big fan of bath time. I just have to make sure that he has a wash cloth to suck on so he doesn't try to steal the one full of soap that I'm trying to wash him with!

As you can see its also very important to suck multiple fingers at the same time.

No... no he's not a fat, happy baby at all. Why would you ask me that?

This one is from Chanukah with Grandma Donni. Poor Caleb was SO tired by the end of it.

And I got these just this mornin while he was bein cute!

I got a picture of the fish lips!!! These are new! He just started this and wrinkling up his nose this week!! I LOVE IT! SO DANG CUTE!!!

And no, he's not absolutely charming either.

I love this one for the little chipmunk cheeks and the look of deep concern (the concern was - "How do I get the camera? Hmmm....").

He loves hanging out in his excersaucer thingy. We have a seriously cool one courtesy of the world's most awesome cousins.

He looks so much like me at the same age in this one that its scary!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Caleb 5 1/2 Months

Well, I've been a bit delinquent in my posting of pictures here. I'm sorry. So to make up for it I've posted a WHOLE bunch of cute baby pictures from last month and my goal will be to get a bunch of cute baby pictures from this month up here ASAP.

And because I never posted nursery pictures like I promised that I would: