Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Caleb 16 Months

The alternate title for this post could read: Meet Mr. Chatterbox

Mr Caleb seems to have decided that this talking thing is cool after all and worth practicing. And I have to say its dang funny to listen to him.

Just this morning he looked at the cat and went "No, no no no no no no! Ooow!" He picked up "Ow!" yesterday from me after he totally beaned me in the nose and I went "Oooh! OW!" and he looks at me and matching my inflection perfectly "Ooow!" It was so dang cute. I was like "Thats RIGHT! It hurts! Oww!"

And Mr Caleb can now say "Nigh Nigh" for "Night Night" and "Ah- dah" for "All Done" and "Ooh!" for "Hello!" and "No no" which thankfully has not yet achieved favored word status and is still a little more "nuh nuh" than straight out "no".

He can say really clearly "Yeah!" which is just really adorable.

Its really cute because he's started not only imitating our speech but trying to mimic our inflection. So he can usually get the major syllable of a word and match its inflection to repeat back to you what your saying. So you get things like "Oh no!" becoming "Ohhh O!" as he looks at you anxiously after repeating what you said.

So I accidentally stole this toy from my Mom's house - I swear I was packing in such a hurry I just went "baby toy = pack" and threw it in my suit case, and its this "Light Up Alphabet Apple" and Caleb used to get really frustrated using it. Because it would be like "What letter makes this sound? 'EErrr!'" and he wouldn't get it right and I think he could tell and he'd get frustrated and yell at it and push it away. The toy is wayyy above his developmental level (ie "Where is the X-Ray Fish?") but the scary thing is - its like his favorite toy now and he's starting to figure it out.

I do think that the sound track for it may actually be seared to the core of my soul now I've heard it so many times it makes me twitchy to think of it but he loves that thing and it calls out to you and plays music for a while after you touch it to come back and play before it says "Bye bye!" and shuts off. Well he will come over, turn it on, play with it for a bit, then walk away but once it stops making noise he will come back to turn it on again and then go back to playing.

This is one of those times I'm grateful I'm half deaf or I'd go truly insane.

In other exciting news Caleb actually has enough hair on top of his head I can brush it now. Its a nice sandy blonde and from the texture I think this is his big boy hair growing in finally. Its really adorable.