Friday, April 23, 2010

Caleb 11 Months

Well our darling boy is now 11 months old! No, I can't believe it either. lol

Caleb is now so huge that he now can only wear 18-24 month sized clothing! He has also got three whole toofens (two on bottom, one on top) and is working VERY hard (and keeping Mommy up LONG nights) on cutting toofen #4. Right now I'm gonna bet he'll have it in by the end of the weekend.

We've also hit a couple other developmental milestones. The first of which is imaginative play. He has started trying to "feed" me his toys. If I smile and pretend to eat them, he gets a huge grin, then stops trying to force feed me his toy and goes back to feeding it to himself. I have to say prior to this week I didn't know I could fit a whole alphabet block into my mouth....

Caleb also waves Bye-Bye and Hello VERY enthusiastically to Daddy and I when we're at home. He'll do it most of the time when we're else where but not always. We're working hard on the signs for bottle, food, yes and no. He likes to shake his head "No" very enthusiastically as well.

He love to sing songs with Momma and have her help him with the arm motions. Thus far the part he likes best is in Eensy-Weesy Spider when the suns comes out and dries up all the rain. I don't know what it is about that particular part/motion but he thinks its just hysterical and giggles every time. But you have to do the whole song to get the giggle. If you just do that line he'll smile but not get super excited like he does if you do the whole song. Caleb also likes to read stories and is a big fan of helping to turn the pages and close and open the book, repeatedly. lol.

Caleb is a good little eater and is a BIG fan of anything Mommy and Daddy are eating. If we have it, he wants some. He's also a greedy little water moocher. I always have my big water glass near by and he'll come up and pitch a fit if I don't share with him.

And I have to admit that while the American Academy of Pediatrics says not to allow your child to watch any TV at all until they're at least two years old, my poor child only made it to about 10 1/2 months old before I got desperate enough to turn on the TV. I've only done it like a half dozen times but he LOVES those Baby Einstein videos and sometimes when its been a really long day (or night) and Mommy is about ready to flush it down the toilet, I just pop one of those videos in and like magic he is just captivated and will happily watch for 15+ mins which is sometimes exactly what Mommy needs.

Caleb has also decided that Mommy is no longer allowed to use the bathroom by herself. Should I attempt to go to the bathroom with out him present, he will open the door and let himself in, or should I have locked the door, he'll stand up and bang and shriek the entire time or until I open the door and let him in. Once inside he's a big fan of opening the cupboards and pulling out the towels (memo to me: install cupboard latches on cabinet doors), or attempting to unroll the whole roll of toilet paper, or hanging over the side of the tub trying to get at the toys in bottom of the tub, or just standing up in front of Mommy, holding on to her knees and chattering and laughing loudly. I have to say that a trip to the restroom is not the quiet moment of solitude it once was....

Caleb is SOOO close to walking. He can free stand for a minute or two easily and likes to stand and play with toys with both hands. He can get one foot forward no problem, but bringing the other foot forward to take the step usually results in him turfing it. Sometimes he'll get the foot all the way forward and stay up for about a second or two and then he turfs it. He's got the crawlin' thing down pat though. He is FAST! I call him Mr. Speedy McSpeedy Pants b/c that boy can GO!

He's also discovered climbing up things. He can now - with no help from me - crawl over to me when I'm sitting on the couch, pull up to standing, and then grab my clothes and pull himself up on to the couch and into my lap. I'm not ready for this. He can also climb up on to the ottoman that we were using to block his access to the TV (I looked up and he's STANDING on top of the ottoman reaching for the Wii sensor on top of the TV. Mommy ran REAL FAST across the room to get him down). We need to come up with a new plan because he's gotten his finger stuck in the VCR door once already.

Now I just have to figure out what we're going to do to celebrate his 1st birthday!