Monday, July 6, 2009

Caleb Week 6

HE SMILED AT ME!!! He'd done little turn the corners of his mouth up smiles for me before but not the BIG gummy grins he's been doing in his sleep. Well, July 4th at 5:3o am I had just finished feeding him when he totally ripped one and I looked at him and said "Oh my goodness! Did you just poopie or did you just poot?" And he looked up at me and just started grinning this huge grin. I LOVED IT! He's done it for me like twice since then.

Life is pretty good this week. The last couple days he's slept for 5 hours at night, which is WAY exciting. I'm still pumping and giving him breast milk in a bottle. He's getting a little bit of formula but mostly breast milk.

Caleb also got to meet his Great Grandma Cleo on Saturday. Cleo is Adam's Grandma and she's not doing so well right now so we made sure we made a trip down there to see her this last weekend. Here's Adam, Caleb, Cleo and Donni:

Caleb also got to meet his Uncle Mark (Adam's little brother) for the first time this weekend. It was really cute to watch the two of them together, Mark was really taken with him.

Cute sleeping baby picture:

Here he is crashed out with Daddy on the bed in the living room. We have a bed set up in the living room from when my parents were in town visiting. Well... it stayed set up after they left so that poor Adam could get some sleep at night.

And one other random side note: I think my child has the goofiest baby hair I've seen yet. In addition to his male pattern baldness, he has now developed the classic semi-circle of baldness that a lot of kids get from laying on their backs. This means he's got this like patch of hair on the top and then a semi circle of hair around back. It's REALLY funny looking. I am however hopeful that his male pattern baldness won't last TOO much longer b/c he's starting to get some decided fuzziness on top of his head. I tried to get a picture but they don't quite do it justice (he was being highly uncooperative about holding still in the right position).



I think you are an amazing mom.... I tried to do the beast feeding thing with both girls... After 2 weeks of being so stressed I couldnt eat- I used formula. I felt like an incredibly big failure.... But you know what? My girls are incredibly healthy and wonderful!! The fact that you are able to pump and give him your milk is amazing! So head up, mama!! You are NOT a failure. You are amazing. And Caleb is a lucky boy to have you. Breast feeding is but a moment in his life... He and you are incredible no matter how it turns out. I love you!!


hahaha! I didn't try to BEAST feed... Although my girls could be beasts....:)