Caleb is doing wonderfully. He's SO BIG!! Holy crow! He now fits into 3-6 month sized clothing! At 7 weeks old! It makes me sad that some of my favorite outfits no longer fit him but oh well. He's getting SO chubby! He's got multiple jelly rolls on his arms and legs now. And he smiles ALL the time. I just love it. He's a doll! He's also a serious cuddle bug. Mom was commenting on it when she was here and my thought is - with Adam and I for parents I don't know how this kid could NOT be a cuddle bug.
Just to list off some of the developmental milestones he's already hit: he can roll from front to back AND from back to front. He can't do it consistently or at will but he's done both multiple times. He can push up with his hands and hold his head up to look around when lying on his belly. He can ALMOST keep his head stable in all directions. He coos and gurgles and growls and grunts and makes all sorts of noises. He's got the social smile thing down pat. If you put a toy in his hand he will grasp it and shake it. If you move a toy slowly across his visual field he will turn his eyes and head to follow its progress.
My folks and my sister Liz were here for the weekend b/c we had Caleb's baby blessing. It was really beautiful and it was so great to have my folks here for this wonderful experience. (For the non-Mormon folks: we don't baptize kids until they're 8 years old but we do haul them up in front of the congregation as infants to give them a name and a blessing. Its kinda like a christening, and for us - its a big deal). We had a brunch for the family afterwards and that was great.
OH! And he's starting to get HAIR!! He appears to be working on a full head of dark hair. OH! And he's got eye lashes now! And he's starting to get eye brows!
I'll post more as I think of it and with pictures as soon as I can get them to work right.
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