Thursday, April 5, 2012

Potty Training

We're now in to Potty Training Day 2 and holy crap am I tired. lol BUT the great news is that this morning I'd vote that well over half of all the pee made it into the potty. He gets at least some in the potty every time its just a matter of getting there fast enough and aiming correctly once he's there. We're starting out sitting and I'll teach him to stand later.

I'm really grateful that we decided to roll up the big rug so I only have to wipe up tile floors (which are probably the cleanest now they've ever been since they're getting scrubbed 20+ times a day).

Here's the method we've been using - as recommended by our pediatrician - we've got him naked from the waist down and the potty chair here in the room with us. He's getting to snack on chips and pretzels and drink all the juice he wants (salt to make him drink and sugar to make him want it). He never gets this stuff so clearly Easter came early this year. And if he get ANYTHING in the potty at all we do the happy dance and clap and cheer and carry on and he gets an M&M. Should he miss the potty entirely there is no yelling or punishment just a sad, "Awwww pee pee goes in the potty".

But he's doing really great this morning. He even went poopie in the potty!!!! Which Mom was SUPER DUPER excited about! That one can be REALLY difficult to get a kid to do so I was *thrilled* when he managed it and got it entirely in the potty and I didn't have to clean anything up off the floor!! Also some kids will hold it b/c they're weirded out by the potty and then they get constipated and then it hurts to go in the potty and yeah its bad so I'm really, really grateful that things went according to plan. Wiping his butt with toilet paper while he was standing there didn't work so well. I wound up just grabbing a baby wipe to take care of business.

I've apologized to Facebook for my numerous potty related posts over the last 48 hours but this is apparently my life now so I'm celebrating poopie in the potty. We even called Daddy at work to tell him the good news. lol

Mercifully at nap time today he didn't fight me when I tried to put a Pull Up on him. Yesterday at nap time the world ended so we let him go to bed wearing shorts and thats it and he woke up freezing, soaked and miserable. So last night we pinned him down and put a Pull Up on him before bed. You would have thought we were trying to chop off both legs and his weenie one little bit at a time the way he was screaming. But he was fine this morning when I got him out of bed and let me put another Pull Up on for nap time with out so much as a frown so I'm hopeful this will work out.

I'm thinking tomorrow we're gonna try adding underwear to the equation so he can learn to pull something down assuming we start getting closer to a 75% success rate with getting to the potty on time with out them...

I'm just praying we get this mostly figured out before Passover at Grandmas house on Saturday or Easter at Great Grandmas house on Sunday... That or we'll stick to a pull up when we leave the house...