Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Caleb Turns 1!!! (Part 2)

The second half of the photos from Caleb's First Birthday Party #1:

Here's Leah all decked out and ready to party!!

She was having a good time playing with the noisemakers and Grandma!

Here's Liz, Lou, Emily and Leah all digesting their cake while I give Caleb his post birthday cake bath.

And here he is all clean! Took some doin to get him that way too! He had cake every where. I had to rinse the chunks of cake off first, let the water drain, then run the bath and scrub him down!

Here's Papa and Leah bein' cute:

So cute! Leah LOVES Papa's PDA and iPod but she knows the price to get to play with them is one kiss!

It's present time!!

Leah was super duper excited about presents:

Caleb was way excited about a set of stacking cups from Aunt Liz!

Leah was having a hard time with the notion that there were presents... and they weren't for her. *gasp!*

 But a bow of her own helped!

Here I managed to catch Aunt Liz looking mildly perturbed but otherwise fabulous:

Momma, Caleb and Aunt Liz! Those glasses are tasty!

He looks so happy in this picture! lol

Daddy was havin' a good time!

Such a BIG boy!! He was really fascinated by the whistles that Grandma bought for the party!