Thursday, May 21, 2009

Caleb is HERE!

So I woke up this morning at 5:45 to make yet another mid-night pilgrimage to the bathroom and when I laid back down I had the first contraction that hurt. I've had lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions but thankfully for me at least those were painless. This one hurt. By 6:18 am I'd had 3 more contractions that were increasingly painful. Then in classic Hollywood fashion- my water broke. I haven't gotten out of bed that fast in months. lol. By the time I made it to the bathroom I was soaked and it was running down my legs. 

So needless to say I got to skip out on the whole induction process. An hour later we were at the hospital, I was dilated to 5 cm and I was praying that I could get an epidural like NOW. I am by no means a wimp but holy crap... I think that if the advent of birth control had not roughly coincided with the advent of effective pain management that the human population would be doomed to a slow extinction. 

My favorite person of the day after my child and my husband was the guy who did my epidural. Once that thing was there my life was GOOD. I was now at 7 cm and I crashed out for a nap. I woke up when my nurse checked me next and declared I was crowning. So then we started pushing. We pushed for an hour to get that kid out. He had a BIG head. 

At 12:56 pm Caleb Michael Fleischaker was born. He weighs 8 lbs 6.4 oz, he's 21 1/4 inches long and his head was 14.5 inches around. He is doing wonderful. He's the most mellow baby. He's hardly cried at all! 

I'm doing well. I'm starting to fall asleep while I type this so this is about to get cut short. They had some issues getting me to stop bleeding so I'm getting watched pretty closely right now. No major drama but enough for them to fuss. 

Pictures will come later. Now I sleep.