Yes, we did this on purpose so you can congratulate us.
I'm 11 weeks along as of now, which is 4 weeks further along than I thought I was! lol. I had my first ultrasound Weds. We went in there expecting to see a little raspberry with a heart beat and up on the monitor was BABY! And I'm going "WOW......." and my ultrasound tech goes "How far along did you say you were?" and I told her "Seven weeks and some change." Her response: "Yeah, thats wrong." So after measuring everything they determined that I was 2 days shy of eleven weeks pregnant.
Personally this completely rocks because it makes my due date May 29th instead of June 21st so that is that much less Arizona summer that I'll have to be big pregnant for. The doc said the baby looks great and had a good strong heart beat. Personally it was really surreal to see the kid on the monitor. I've been there when other people have had OB ultrasounds and its always amazing but it was the first time the little want thing was pointed at ME. Such an amazing feeling. The other reason that I'm thrilled is that this means I'm almost through the first trimester so hopefully I can stop puking soon.
The puking is what tipped me off about the pregnancy though. Cuz like 2 months ago I got a kidney infection and then I got better except that I stayed really pukey and was incredibly fatigued. SO I had a sneaking feelings might have actually worked like they teach you they do in health class so I took a pregnancy test and it was like INSTANTLY positive. So I went and told Adam and we both did the happy dance and now here we are!
And now I want a pickle.....
YIppee! Josh told me when you called the other day. Congrats!! That makes you and Tara Carroll due about a month apart. Maybe I will be soon too...
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