Just for the record: Shameless bribery works.
2 M&Ms for trying to potty. 4 M&M's for Number 1. 6 M&Ms for Number 2.
Keep underwear on him at all times (except for nap time and bed time) no matter where you're going and he has to try before you leave the house and take M&Ms with you so you can reward him for trying when ever you're out and about. He has to try every hour on the hour. If he doesn't go on the hour wait 30 mins, try again. After 30, if nothing happens, try every 20 until it happens to avoid accidents.
It was intensive at first and we did a lot of extra laundry but ya know what its worked beautifully (*knock on wood!!!*) and he is doing GREAT.
Our next road trip we're gonna keep him in underwear and maybe just line his carseat w/ a puppy pad type something JUST IN CASE so we don't back track him when we travel.
9 years ago