I've now totally weaned off of pumping and Caleb is strictly formula fed now. We discovered that he's apparently "lactose sensitive" when we finished the weaning from breast milk. Breast milk has a laxative effect, without it he got constipated. And lemme tell you that a constipated baby is NO FUN. So I called the pediatrician and we got him switched over to the Similac Sensitive formula and he's doing MUCH better. On another random side note - the Sensitive stuff smells MUCH better than the regular formula. I mean its still kinda funky smellin' but at least it doesn't smell like something rotten. (The first time I smelled formula I remember freaking out and asking my mom if it was supposed to smell like that and when she said yes my response then was to ask "Well how the heck am I supposed to know if its gone bad??!").
I've finally got a bit of a handle on how some of the different brands of clothing fit Caleb. Gerber onsies run WAYYYY small. They're shorter length and narrower in the chest than most other brands for the same age group. Disney Baby is shorter bodied but WAY wide in the chest. I think it would work better for a little Buddha baby. Carter seems to run about the midline. Their stuff tends to be longer in the body and in some onsies narrower in the chest. Circo tends to run a bit big, as does Old Navy baby. And footy jammies have to be at least 9 month sized or they're not long enough. 9 month size is a bit big in the shoulders and chest but it's the only way to get enough length. Right now on a daily basis Caleb lives in a onsie and socks, pants make him too warm but socks keep the toes from getting cold with out over heating him.
I think I'm going to start throwing in little reviews of baby products I love/can't live with out and stuff that needs to have its creators subjected to some form of torture. Right now on my happy list is the Munchkin brand. Somebody gave me a box of their disposable "cloths" for my baby shower and at first I was like "What the heck do I do with these?" The picture on the box shows it being used as a burp cloth. Thats stupid as a burp cloth they suck. First time the kid pukes their toasted. They do however make the ultimate changing pad. Munchkin does make padded disposable changing pads - they cost more and you get fewer of them. I use these as a liner to protect my nice pad thats attached to my diaper bag and as a layer of protection when I'm changing him on the bed or couch or where ever. And they are worth any amount of money when you have to change a diaper that has over flowed its bounds. B/c it keeps you from trashing your surface. It doesn't matter if you get it all nasty. You just clean the kid, slip it out from under him, ball it up and dispose. Tah-dah! All the nastiness is contained in one nice easy to be rid of thing. These things are my friend.
Other Munchkin products I love: their disposable diaper bags/dispenser. Rather than have to shove old grocery bags in my diaper bag you just clip on a thing of these and you never have to worry about what you're gonna do with that dirty diaper while you're out and about. Munchkin formula dispenser. Holds enough for 3 bottles in nice pre-measured sections. Very handy on the go. Munchkin Bottle brush. It works good and hides a nipple brush in the handle so its a two-in-one space saver. Me like. Their stuff so far works good and doesn't cost a fortune.
More later.