Saturday, December 19, 2009

Caleb 6 1/2 Months

Here's Mr. Ultimate Cuteness' latest!! Now that he's eating solid food (well, pureed and strained baby food might be taking "solid" a little far), he now has to get bathed MUCH more often and with PURPOSE. Something about dried oatmeal in the hair just does not appeal. Thankfully he's a big fan of bath time. I just have to make sure that he has a wash cloth to suck on so he doesn't try to steal the one full of soap that I'm trying to wash him with!

As you can see its also very important to suck multiple fingers at the same time.

No... no he's not a fat, happy baby at all. Why would you ask me that?

This one is from Chanukah with Grandma Donni. Poor Caleb was SO tired by the end of it.

And I got these just this mornin while he was bein cute!

I got a picture of the fish lips!!! These are new! He just started this and wrinkling up his nose this week!! I LOVE IT! SO DANG CUTE!!!

And no, he's not absolutely charming either.

I love this one for the little chipmunk cheeks and the look of deep concern (the concern was - "How do I get the camera? Hmmm....").

He loves hanging out in his excersaucer thingy. We have a seriously cool one courtesy of the world's most awesome cousins.

He looks so much like me at the same age in this one that its scary!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Caleb 5 1/2 Months

Well, I've been a bit delinquent in my posting of pictures here. I'm sorry. So to make up for it I've posted a WHOLE bunch of cute baby pictures from last month and my goal will be to get a bunch of cute baby pictures from this month up here ASAP.

And because I never posted nursery pictures like I promised that I would:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Caleb 4 1/2 Months

Hi Folks!

I'll do a full update soon but I just wanted to get some cute pictures up. These are from this evening. He was being cute so I just had to grab the camera!

This is his new trick - lift arms and legs off the floor while keeping his head and chest up. He can only get both arms up for a few seconds but he does it!

He adores this hippo. It plays twinkle twinkle and he just loves it.

In this one he looks so much like me as a baby I think if I dressed him in pink you couldn't tell the difference!

And right about here Adam started tickling him and he just started laughing his little tushie off. And it wound up being Caleb looking at Adam and laughing and Adam laughing his head off right back. It was so dang cute.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Caleb 15 Weeks Pictures

So due to technical difficulties the film is gonna take me a bit longer to get posted on blogger. It is available on Facebook if you want it now though. So to tide you over - here are some pictures.

He can now flip himself on to his tummy from his back at will.

Whoa! What was that flash?!
That camera is reallllly weird Mom!

This is what Caleb and his Daddy like to do while Mommy makes dinner:
He really likes his Bumbo seat! He can sit up in it just like a big boy!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Caleb 15 Weeks

You would not believe how much Caleb has grown in just the past week! He's finishing up another growth spurt right now, which mercifully means he's sleeping more, because I have not enjoyed his sleeping patterns of the last 2 weeks or so which went: Go to bed about 11:30 - midnight, get up at 4:30, eat, go back to sleep, up again at 7 am, up again at 9 and then if I'm really lucky he's out again until 11 but if I'm unlucky he's not out again until 2 or 3. Ick. Sleeping in 1-3 hour chunks STINKS. But thanks to this lovely growth spurt he's been sleeping LOTS and sleeping through the night more often than not so I have been a VERY happy Momma.

He is now snug in 6 month sized clothes, and fits into 6-9 month sized clothes and 9 month sized footy jammies are no longer too big at all. Oh my gosh this baby is huge.

Life on the Similac Sensitive formula continues to be very good. I haven't had to give him Mylicon in well over a week! :) AND you would not believe how many developmental milestones he has hit in the last two weeks! He is now firmly in the "see reach grab" phase. Everything get grabbed and he then makes a very spirited attempt to shove whatever it is in his mouth and if it won't fit in the mouth he'll sit there and lick it until it is dripping with drool. He can roll up on his sides at will and he can now roll on to his stomach from his back at will. He still hasn't master rolling back onto his back yet, so he gets on his tummy and he's happy for a bit and then he's ticked when he can't get back over. lol. He actually gets around pretty good on his blanket. I come back and he's in a totally different location than when I left the room. It does make me insanely nervous however when I come in and find him asleep on his stomach but there really just isn't anything I can really do about it at this point.

He's a huge fan of his mobile over the crib, he just stares and stares at it. And he even has favorite toys he likes to play with more than others. And I swear he dreams up new noises to make in his sleep because every morning he wakes up and has a whole new set of sounds he tries out. It's really, really cute. He's also started trying to get his knees under neath him when he's on his stomach so he's almost gotten up into the crawling position for a second or two a couple times in the last day or so. He loves to stand up now and he's getting to where he likes to bounce up and down while you hold his hands for balance.

OH!!! And he laughs now! It is the dang cutest thing you've ever heard in your whole life. He only does it little bits so far but it has to be one of the most delicious sounds I've ever heard in my whole life. I love it, love it, love it.

I'm going to post a video taken this weekend in a couple minutes. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Caleb 13 weeks

Good morning! I'm posting wayyyy too early because Caleb got me up early and I know if I go back to sleep now then I will miss church again so we're posting to keep ourself awake. And yes we're using the plural we for ourselves this morning. We're sleep deprived okay? You wouldn't believe how big he is now. I've got him wearing 6-9 month sized onsies. He has to weigh at least 17 pounds. Probably more. I can't remember right now where I left you on my written status update but I think it's been a while.

I've now totally weaned off of pumping and Caleb is strictly formula fed now. We discovered that he's apparently "lactose sensitive" when we finished the weaning from breast milk. Breast milk has a laxative effect, without it he got constipated. And lemme tell you that a constipated baby is NO FUN. So I called the pediatrician and we got him switched over to the Similac Sensitive formula and he's doing MUCH better. On another random side note - the Sensitive stuff smells MUCH better than the regular formula. I mean its still kinda funky smellin' but at least it doesn't smell like something rotten. (The first time I smelled formula I remember freaking out and asking my mom if it was supposed to smell like that and when she said yes my response then was to ask "Well how the heck am I supposed to know if its gone bad??!").

I've finally got a bit of a handle on how some of the different brands of clothing fit Caleb. Gerber onsies run WAYYYY small. They're shorter length and narrower in the chest than most other brands for the same age group. Disney Baby is shorter bodied but WAY wide in the chest. I think it would work better for a little Buddha baby. Carter seems to run about the midline. Their stuff tends to be longer in the body and in some onsies narrower in the chest. Circo tends to run a bit big, as does Old Navy baby. And footy jammies have to be at least 9 month sized or they're not long enough. 9 month size is a bit big in the shoulders and chest but it's the only way to get enough length. Right now on a daily basis Caleb lives in a onsie and socks, pants make him too warm but socks keep the toes from getting cold with out over heating him.

I think I'm going to start throwing in little reviews of baby products I love/can't live with out and stuff that needs to have its creators subjected to some form of torture. Right now on my happy list is the Munchkin brand. Somebody gave me a box of their disposable "cloths" for my baby shower and at first I was like "What the heck do I do with these?" The picture on the box shows it being used as a burp cloth. Thats stupid as a burp cloth they suck. First time the kid pukes their toasted. They do however make the ultimate changing pad. Munchkin does make padded disposable changing pads - they cost more and you get fewer of them. I use these as a liner to protect my nice pad thats attached to my diaper bag and as a layer of protection when I'm changing him on the bed or couch or where ever. And they are worth any amount of money when you have to change a diaper that has over flowed its bounds. B/c it keeps you from trashing your surface. It doesn't matter if you get it all nasty. You just clean the kid, slip it out from under him, ball it up and dispose. Tah-dah! All the nastiness is contained in one nice easy to be rid of thing. These things are my friend.

Other Munchkin products I love: their disposable diaper bags/dispenser. Rather than have to shove old grocery bags in my diaper bag you just clip on a thing of these and you never have to worry about what you're gonna do with that dirty diaper while you're out and about. Munchkin formula dispenser. Holds enough for 3 bottles in nice pre-measured sections. Very handy on the go. Munchkin Bottle brush. It works good and hides a nipple brush in the handle so its a two-in-one space saver. Me like. Their stuff so far works good and doesn't cost a fortune.

More later.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Picture Post: Caleb 10-12 Weeks

Caleb LOVES his Daddy!

I put the toy on his arm and he shakes it and gets all excited.
And tries to eat it...
These are from this morning!

He likes to play with his hands.

If Mommy holds on to his hands he can sit up just like a big boy. :)
But lounging in the boppy is good to.
He really likes this little ducky.
Likes to eat it...