And to start you off this lovely afternoon we have a couple shots of the men in my life. Aren't they cute??!
As you can see here Indy likes to give kisses. Its sweet when its not 3 am and you're being awoken by a sand paper tongue attempting to lick your whole face.
And here we have Violet in one of her many attempts to kill my computer. Note that she's about to shut it down just by walking across the key board. She is RATHER talented at managing to hit the most "ACK!!"-worthy keys possible.
And this is one of the kitten's favorite places to play. We bought this new laundry hamper for the master bedroom and if they're not attacking each other inside of it, one is out side and one is inside trying to get each other through the fabric. Its pretty funny.
And this last pic isn't one of my babies but its in honor of their latest trip to the vet. They are both clingers- Indy especially. He likes to ride on your shoulder around the house anyways so taking them to the vet means you have to remove him from my shoulder with a crowbar every time the vet wants a closer look at him. Especially after the FIRST time she violated him with a thermometer.
I've also determined that I don't have kittens. I have Furkeys. Thats short for furry turkey, b/c they are the biggest WEENIES! If I want to have a chance of eating something without them wanting to try to steal it I have to eat at the kitchen table and even that isn't always safe anymore. Indy is BY FAR the worst. He is Mr. Furkey. With Violet you tell her no and she backs off. You might have to once a week nail her with a squirt gun when she gets obnoxious but you have to nail Indy REPEATEDLY with a squirt gun before he'll back off! Its like he can't believe you really mean HIM.
And he's such a weenie about it, he comes up and rubs against you and purrs like a freight train and tries to shove his face into the middle of what ever you have! And if you catch him in the act- like you walk in the room and he's face first into something he shouldn't be and you yell "NO!" and you can clap your hands, or come running, or hiss or yell or whatever, and he'll just glance at you and then try to shove as much in his face as he possibly can before you grab him!! Its like "I'm in for it so I might as well get as much as I can while the gettin' is still good!"
Weenies I tell you!